Psychological Coaching

Individuals at all levels of experience, both in their professional and personal pursuits, encounter difficulties related to their hard and soft skills as they strive to attain their maximum potential. At Veretis, we believe there are higher levels of accomplishment to be achieved beyond the conventional standard of good.

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Making tomorrow better than today.

Why Veretis?

All Veretis Coaches have extensive backgrounds and practical experience in both psychology and business. This unique combination enables our team to holistically address the diverse needs of individuals by providing strategies that not only enhance performance but also promote thriving. Research demonstrates that our coaching approach cultivates a higher level of self-efficacy, generalisation, and maintenance of performance and well-being over time. By focusing on the development and transformation of the whole person, we empower individuals to achieve growth and fulfilment in both their personal and professional lives. 

This coaching approach and model align with the contemporary and innovative Clinical Sport Psychology coaching approach to elite sports. This approach prioritises the enhancement of performance and thriving for elite athletes without sacrificing their overall well-being, thereby mitigating the risk of burnout and related issues. Our approach at Veretis enables individuals to achieve their goals in a sustainable manner, while also prioritising their mental and emotional health.  

An instructor guiding a class.
Decorative image illustrating Psychological Coaching using brick laying as an analogy.

Our Approach

Our approach is designed to enhance executive, leadership, and personal skills by consolidating your potential. At Veretis, we help you develop the tools and techniques needed to improve your performance and achieve your goals. Our comprehensive and modern approach to personal and professional development enables you to thrive and transform in all areas of your life.

Which one are you?

Executive Coaching

For the senior executive looking to consolidate and build upon existing and ‘yet to become’ strengths in their approach to ‘creating a setting for others to be the best they are capable of becoming’.

Elite Performers

Helping individuals sustain and transform towards elite performance, aiming to be your very best in your chosen area.

Aspiring Leaders

For the senior executive looking to consolidate and build upon existing and ‘yet to become’ strengths in their approach to ‘creating a setting for others to be the best they are capable of becoming’.

Business Owners / Entrepreneurs

Helping individuals sustain and transform towards elite performance, aiming to be your very best in your chosen area.

Executive Coaching

For the senior executive looking to consolidate and build upon existing and ‘yet to become’ strengths in their approach to ‘creating a setting for others to be the best they are capable of becoming’. Our focus is on helping the momentum of executives towards instituting great leadership so as to become, with confident humility, great leaders. When executives are truly humming they are what we call ‘in the flow’ able to meet high level challenges and growth opportunities for themselves, their teams and their organisation with high level hard and soft skills (performing and thriving at the same time)

How We Help

Our coaching approach and process will heighten individual transformation through:

  • Building and consolidating the self-efficacy of the executive (belief in themselves to achieve the things that are important to them in life)
  • Understanding and applying the TRIPLE A model of growth, consolidation, and transformation (Awareness – Acceptance – Action Planning)
  • TRIPLE A profiling and enhancement approach to Emotional Intelligence
  • Application of a Growth Mindset and Optimism approach to transformation
  • Hunting the good stuff – a PERMA-V approach to well-being
    Performance Zone – Learning Zone approach to sustainability of transformation
  • Executive resilience and necessary psychological strengths enhancement
  • Attitudinal efficiency – think like a ‘shrink’
    Transformational and Inclusive leadership development

Aspiring Leaders

As the saying goes ‘Proper preparation prevents poor performance’. Aspiring leaders are generally on a challenging journey of moving from; Competent Performers – FOCUS: technically great’ to Effective Leaders – FOCUS: creating a setting for others to be their very best.’

How We Help

To help aspiring/new leaders make this transition and avoid the ‘derailment’ that around 67% encounter on their journey to astute leadership encounter, our Coaches and programs help build and consolidate potential by enhancing:

  • A TRIPLE A approach to acquiring the necessary, non-negotiable skills for high performance leadership
  • Gaining insights into the journey ahead through valid and reliable profiling to act as your GPS for development and transformation
  • Developing your ‘psychological toolkit’ to thrive in your Leadership realm
  • Understanding and applying the Learning Zone – Performance Zone model and processes on ‘How to get better at the things you really care about’
  • Developing; Resilience, Emotional Intelligence and a Growth Mindset approach and skills for sustainability of your transformational growth effort

Elite Performers

As the great UCLA basketball coach (10 premierships in 12 years) John Wooden stated: “ If you don’t have time to do it right now, when will you have time?”

How We Help

To help individuals sustain and transform towards elite performance, being your very best, our Coaching for these individuals includes:

  • Understanding the TRIPLE A model of personal growth and transformation
  • How to grow and develop both Task and People skills
  • Consolidating both performance and thriving (well-being)
  • Must have ‘psychological tool kit’ for success
  • Dealing with setbacks and adversity with a Growth Mindset approach
  • Resilience and Emotional Intelligence for the Elite Performer

Business Owners/ Entrepreneurs

Many people start their own business to gain more control over their business and personal lifestyles but very soon realise they have become a prisoner to the business.

How We Help

Our Coaches have the necessary qualifications and experience to assist people involved in their own business/entrepreneurial pursuits to thrive as they navigate their journey forward:

  • Understanding the Journey to deal with the day to day
  • Attitudinal efficiency for sustained success and well-being
  • PERMA-V model and process for thriving
  • Developing the psychological kit bag to assist on your journey to ‘True North’
  • Understanding ourself and others – personality and preference enhancers and derailers
  • Building a firm foundation of Emotional Intelligence
  • Using Mindfulness and Reflective Practice to achieve important goals
  • Strategic planning and leadership

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+61 (02) 9929 8515


Level 2, 12 O’Connell St
Sydney, NSW 2000

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