Culture Evolution Program

The Culture Evolution Program (CEP) aims to clarify the “why?”, “what?”, and “how?” that is essential to reach higher-level performance objectives.

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Culture Evolution Objectives

High-performing Relationships

The CEP focuses on building and improving high-performing relationships based on experience with working with over 500 companies and elite sporting clubs.

Sustainable Elite Performance

The CEP focuses on creating sustainable elite performance to ensure optimal performance, financial results and the mental health of employees.

Solution-Focused Actions

The CEP encourages team members to be highly flexible, stay solution-focused, and maintain trust for one another.

Triple A Model of Transformation

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We analyse the client’s current point within the context of their environment, how their approach and emotional skills may influence their journey and assisting in formulating long-term goals.

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The client’s previously held perceptions are challenged by encouraging the client to take ownership. This involves exploring previously used methods and evaluating why it did or did not work.

The client will then establish new higher standards which they will be held accountable for through monitoring.

Lastly, an action plan is developed in partnership with the client where potential challenges and solutions will be identified.

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A growth strategy focused on long-term change is implemented in this stage, which is guided by the Veretis Team, but ultimately owned by the client. This allows for client accountability and for the client to liberate their own success.

This strategy is continually reviewed to ensure accuracy, effectiveness, and successful implementation.

Culture Evolution Program

The CEP aims to clarify the “why?”, “what?”, and “how?” that is essential to reach higher-level performance objectives.

This is achieved through an Awareness-Acceptance-Action strategy approach using evidence-based processes, in partnership with our high-performing psychologists.

Decorative image depicting a multi cultural team.

Culture & Causal Factors – Profiling, Feedback and Action Planning

Organisational & Team Culture is not about group hugs, paintball excursions and a few nice ‘get together’ rituals every now and then.

Organisation culture refers to… ‘shared values, norms and expectations that guide team members in terms of how to approach their work and deal with each other’.

There are 31 important causal factors that intervene with a ‘Preferred Culture’ and lead to the ‘Actual Culture’.

An ‘Actual Culture’ is that adopted by the majority of team members. This has major impacts at an individual, team and whole of organisation level.

Every organisation and/or team has their own culture and set of expectations for members, with three main types:

‘Aggressive Defensive’: Members feel that they must out-perform and compete with one another.

‘Passive Defensive’: Members feel they need to just go along with things and not ‘rock the boat’.

‘Constructive Cultures’: Members are more likely to feel they should work together and support each other as a team as well as work to get tasks done effectively.

The Process

Initial Profiling

Team members are given the opportunity to reflect on the type of team culture they would like, and what behavioural and personal styles will help the team perform at their optimum.

Data Collection

All members will complete two surveys online, which will cover: the causes of culture, the difference between actual and preferred culture, and the outcomes for culture for team members, teams and the organisation.

The surveys will provide a clear baseline as this information gathered during the initial stages can be monitored and used later to troubleshoot at times selected by VGI in the future.

Report Results

The results collated from the surveys will be relayed to the senior team, followed by all team members in their departments.

Action Plan

Senior team members will then devise action plans to maintain the constructive cultural styles shown and work to improve those that may be more defensive in style.

Implementing Change

Staff members can then actively work towards moving the cultural norms more towards the preferred profile they have developed themselves. It is important to agree on how members will monitor the culture within the organisation and especially their own teams over time.

The Benefits of CEP

Research from Human Synergistics shows that teams with constructive as opposed to defensive cultures:

  • Are 96% more effective when working together
  • Are 60% less likely to waste time
  • Are 69% more likely to increase the quality of solutions

Higher employee motivation

Increase in key organisational performance metrics

Enhanced organisational brand, attracting high-performing employees

Improved quality of products and services

Creating processes that enable sustainable culture enhancement and growth

Improved cohesion

Improved Enhance self-awareness

Aligned purpose and direction

Building resilient team leadership

Enhanced team effectiveness in a sustainable manner

Real Results from the CEP

The CEP has proven to be helpful to individuals and organisations as evident below:

Employee Experience

  • 26% higher satisfaction
  • 32% increase in motivation
  • 19% greater role clarity
  • 26% less stress intention

Team Experience

  • 28% increase in teamwork
  • 30% increase in inter-unit
  • 25% increase in quality of products/services


  • 32% increase in organisational-level quality
  • 32% increase in external adaptability

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Level 2, 12 O’ Connell St
Sydney, NSW 2000

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