Information Regarding COVID-19

*If you are having thoughts of hurting yourself or someone else, please immediately call 000 or attend your nearest hospital emergency department.

** If you are at increased risk of Family Domestic Violence, please let us know when booking an appointment so we can organise the most appropriate contact method. You can also access community based resources at


The recent COVID-19 pandemic has caused disruption to the everyday functioning of our world, and particularly Australia. This can lead to stress, anxiety, feeling overwhelmed, and various other mental health issues.

This page is designed to provide information about how to deal with the crisis. These resources are a combination of those created by the Veretis team, with additional support from our global network. All links are as relevant as possible to Australia and our unique situation, however, some generic fact sheets relating to the virus and management are also included.



Additional Resources:

Posters you can print:

Stress and anxiety can be a real factor for some people during this period and we want you to know that Veretis will always be there to support yourselves.

Please contact the 24/7 EAP line on 1300 878 379, or send us an enquiry at