Booming Mental Health for Baby Boomers

You’ve probably heard people referring to others by their generation. There has been an increase in young people using humour and stereotypes to address different generations.

October is Mental Health Month, here at Veretis we will be sharing an insight into the mental health landscape of generations spanning from Baby Boomers to Generation Z.

Elderly couple sitting in chairs and looking out the window.

Together we can:

  • Shed light on stigmas
  • Break down stereotypes
  • Help people with making changes to benefit their mental health
So, What Actually is a Baby Boomer?

The Baby Boomer generation includes people born from 1946 to 1964 who saw a sudden increase in birth rates.

Baby boomers have been stereotyped within the past few years as set in their ways and unable to use technology – but this isn’t true.

Baby Boomers have had to endure a lot of social and political turbulence during their upbringing. Change has been constant in their lives enabling them to want better for the younger generation.

Technology was slowly developing during their lives. While they may be not as experienced with the latest mobile device, they are willing to learn.

What Does this have to do with Mental Health?

The Baby Boomer generation is the most common group to avoid or delay medical assistance for mental health issues. They face extreme mental health stigmatisation which makes it difficult to address issues surrounding mental health.

After the war, many mental health issues were arising but were viewed as a weakness. In turn, this encouraged people to stay silent about difficulties they were facing.

Elderly mans hands on a walking stick.
Mental Health Stigmas

According to a UK study on Baby Boomers in 2019 conducted by Opinium Research, two-thirds of people suffer from mental health issues but one in four keep these feelings to themselves.

Additionally, limited awareness and mental health education could be to blame for one in five people who don’t think mental health symptoms are serious or they don’t believe mental health affects them at all.

Three in ten believe mental health advocation is targeted towards a younger generation. Furthermore, only one in three people feel like their knowledge about mental health has improved within the past year.

These mental health statistics are significantly lower when compared to the mental health awareness of younger people.

So How Can this Change?

Mental health advocation and awareness are not often targeted towards Baby Boomers, some people rely on their families for encouragement to ask for help.

While this generation isn’t likely to open up about their feelings it is still a good idea to ask and check in from time to time.

  1. Show you care and are free of judgement
    Elderly man in a chair and a young woman holding his arm.

    Reassure them and let them know you care about them if you have noticed recent changes in their mood or behaviour.

  2. Ask simple questions

    Ask them questions they will be able to answer honestly. For example: How are you? How have you been feeling? Do you need extra help and support? Is there anything I can do to make these easier for you?

  3. Avoid phrases that could be dismissive 

    If you don’t understand why they are feeling the way they do, simply acknowledge it and show your support and care.

  4. Suggest reaching out for support 

    If you think they will take this information well, provide them with possible resources or ask if they have thought about seeking professional help. Reinforce your support, care and lack of judgement.

  5. Keep checking on them even afterwards 

    Show your consistent support and care with regular check-ins on how they are feeling.

Together we can break the stigma surrounding mental health for the Baby Boomer generation and provide mental health resources and support.

For more information contact us today. Please send us an email, give us a call at (02) 9929 8515, check out our LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram or Facebook or find more Psych Up! resources here.