How to Wind Down

Christmas can be a time dedicated to catching up with family and friends and organising events, lunches and dinners. Sometimes amongst all the chaos and company it’s hard to wind down, relax and spend time with yourself.

Winding down across the Christmas period is a great way to recharge and refresh yourself for the new year. It also encourages better moods and well-being in your daily life.

Benefits of Winding Down
Girl reading a book with hot chocolate at Christmas

The action of winding down includes the process of letting go of the day’s tasks, thoughts and worries. It promotes peace and rest, which your mind and body need during a highly active time such as Christmas.

Allowing yourself the time to wind down really does increase your mental health and well-being.

It promotes:

  • Balanced mood
  • Ability to learn
  • Improved memory
  • Creativity
  • Attention span
  • Better rest
Try a Wind-Down Routine
Woman getting ready to sleep with eye mask

A wind-down routine helps your body and brain progress from the active parts of your day into a space of calmness to get ready for sleep.

A wind-down routine should start an hour before you want to sleep and should include:

  • Turning off screens and electronics
  • An activity such as reading, journaling or a calming playlist
  • Deep breathing
  • Stretching or light yoga
  • Mindfulness

Putting these actions in place every night and sticking to a routine will help reinforce your wind down process. With practice, each time will make it easier for you to fall asleep.

Making the Most of Your Time

Finding the balance between family time and time for yourself can be hard but here are some tips you can try.

Time to Yourself

Allocating time to be alone and with yourself is a great way to start your day. Before socialising or even getting out of bed, clearing your mind can help centre your thoughts. Try a 5-minute morning meditation!

Breathe and Redirect

If you feel overwhelmed take a deep breath and redirect your thoughts and focus. Try and give yourself a break from whatever environment you are in and take a few deep breaths to centre yourself.

Intentional Gratitude
Christmas cards and paints

Utilise this time to strengthen relationships. Connect with old friends and your family. Share your appreciation through notes, cards and emails.

Explore Nature

If weather and time allows you to spend time outside it can lower stress and blood pressure. Go for a walk after Christmas lunch!


Take time to reflect on your day. Appreciate the positives and what you are grateful for. Reflect on what you want to achieve next year. You can write these in a journal.

By putting these actions in place, you are bettering yourself for a good sleep. This will increase your mood, productivity and well-being, encouraging you to wind down this Christmas.

For more information contact us today. Please send us an email, give us a call at (02) 9929 8515, check out our LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram or Facebook or find more Psych Up! resources here.

The Gift of Self-Care