Oliver Brecht

Oliver is the Managing Director and Senior Psychologist at Veretis. He divides his time across the three practice areas of Veretis Group: Veretis, Veretis Legal Psychology, and Voxus. Oliver has worked across major culture enhancement, team development and leadership development initiatives with several high-profile organisations and individual clients across Australia. He has accreditation in the Human Synergistic suite of individual, team, and organisational tools. Since joining Veretis, Oliver has worked extensively with the players and coaching staff at the Sydney Swans AFL and Sydney Roosters NRL clubs. Oliver has provided personal coaching and team development initiatives to players and coaches within these teams, and regularly provides support to jockeys across NSW and the ACT.

Currently, Oliver is spending a lot of time working to support organisations in meeting the new psychosocial risk laws which are being implemented across the country. He is helping organisations to understand the risks inherent in their industry and workplace, along with how to mitigate the potential of these risks being realised. For those organisations who have been found in breach of the laws, Oliver is helping them to appropriately respond to the breaches, helping to limit the financial impact to the organisation.

Oliver completed his Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) at the University of South Australia before returning to Sydney and completing his Master of Professional Psychology at the University of Wollongong. Oliver’s dynamic and innovative approach is focused on delivering solutions for his clients. Since joining Veretis, he has broadly expanded the scope of services on offer and provides the link many organisations need to communicate with and to understand the next generation.