Togetherness for Equality – An International Women’s Day Special

International Women’s Day is dedicated to celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women (International Women’s Day 2022a). It is also a day to encourage change and development for women all over the world.

The theme for 2022 is “#BreakTheBias” which aims to leave gender bias in the past. Instead, celebrating difference in a diverse and inclusive world (IWD 2022b).

Women wearing suits standing together holding hands

According to the World Economic Forum, women today and many of our children will never experience gender equality within access to education (IWD 2022a).

Togetherness is the social, emotional, and physical act of having and maintaining quality connections and relationships with others. History has shown that change happens when people come together with a like-minded goal and strong relationships with each other.

Focusing on ‘Togetherness’ and a community of growth, encouragement, and education can help us take steps towards gender equality in the future.

Women in History

For centuries women have been using togetherness to make a change.

This is evident within the Australian Suffragette movement in the late 19th century. Through the community of womanhood, Australian women were one of the first in the world to vote and stand for Parliament.

Change is inspired by groups where the strength of each individual comes together, sharing the same goals, values and desire for change.

Togetherness in Equality

Togetherness has always been a part of the progress of history and will continue to encourage change in the future. You can still see this today through celebrations like International Women’s Day and protests such as March 4 Justice (March4Justice 2022).

people marching at a peaceful protest holding a sign that says: "We are all equal"

March 4 Justice was a prominent event in the media during March 2021. Over 110,000 women and allies across Australia, made the event possible with community and togetherness.

Women today have been given the freedoms and progress they experience because of the groups of women in the past. The camaraderie, community and support found within togetherness also encouraged the strength to promote and achieve change.

Without the support, encouragement, and persistence of these groups of women in history, we would not be where we are today.

With the strength, action, and togetherness of women today, women in the future can experience progress towards equality.

How to Encourage Togetherness

Togetherness not only benefits our mental health as individuals but has shown to encourage strength, determination, and change.

Here’s what you can do to encourage togetherness and equality this International Women’s Day (and every day!):

women working around a desk
  • Speak out against bias and inequality
  • Educate yourself and others about the importance of equality
  • Celebrate achievements of women
  • Encourage other women in everything they do
  • Attend an event near you (if it is safe)
  • Donate to female-focused charities
  • Surround yourself with like-minded women and individuals that support and encourage you to be the best version of yourself. Do the same for them.

Finally, it’s not too late to take the first step towards togetherness or make a change towards Women’s equality. Change starts with you, no matter how big or small the step.

Resources used within this article:

International Women’s Day 2022a, ‘About International Women’s Day’,

International Women’s Day 2022b, ‘IWD 2022 campaign theme: #BreakTheBias’,

March4Justice, 2022, ‘Organisation’,

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Social Togetherness